
Heavy-Duty Cable Puller

Source: Ensley Tool, Div of Rothenberger
The E-440 heavy-duty cable puller features an 8,000-lb capacity and two speeds...
The E-440 heavy-duty cable puller features an 8,000-lb capacity and two speeds. It performs at rates of 14-ft/minute on heavy pulls, or 55-ft/minute on lighter pulls, to 2,000-lb. The puller is powered by a 1.5 HP motor and features a welded steel frame. The read-out meter identifies the pull force at all times during operation, and the product is equipped with a ratchet safety dog that provides positive holding of the capstan during delays or temporary shutdowns. The unit's capstan enables the user to release rope tension for control of pulling operations.

No wrenches or special tools are required, and the adjustable vise chain enables the unit to be anchored to beams, pipe, conduit, or to a pipe sheave.

Ensley Tool, Div of Rothenberger, 110 Washington St., Winneconne, WI 54986. Tel: 800-545-7698; Fax: 920-582-9481.